Sunday, 11 January 2009

Five Days Until Move (or Six or Seven)

Obviously I'm failing miserably at one of my New Year's Resolutions (write on blog daily). Oh well.  Seeing as I'm pregnant, packing to move houses and started substituting last week, I think I'll cut myself a little slack.

The countdown until the move was on until the NAVY screwed it up (as usual). It was going to be Friday, now it could be Friday, or Saturday or Sunday, depending upon when the hubby gets home from wherever he has to go. Annoying.

Last Sunday evening Bunny and I had words. 

We exchanged words b/c we completely disagreed with each other's moving techniques. 

My idea: Have EVERYTHING packed so the day of the move we and our peops could move boxes and furniture to the house and than unpack at our leisure.

His idea: Have about 15-20 boxes. Fill the boxes in the old house with stuff. Transport boxes to new house. Dump (and I'm quoting him here) contents from boxes onto floor in room they belong in, return to old house, pack more things in empty boxes, transport to new house, dump contents on floor and so on.

This idea put me over the edge. 

We are doing it my way. My organized, civilized way.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

I hate people that are soooo lazy that they drive everywhere when they can walk.  Today I was one of those people. 

At 4:30 promptly I left the house to get meet my daughter at the bus stop. Due to the fact that it was twenty degrees fahrenheit and I was freezing AND pregnant, I decided to do the unthinkable; drive to the bus stop. 

Embarassed by my behavior I climbed into our very old and beat up "banger" as we call it and drove, 250 yards, to the bus stop, ducking the entire way.

OF course this had to be the day my friend down the street decided to walk to the bus stop with her two year old to meet Emily as well. I was humiliated. and in the end, not happy with myself. I should have braved the cold. 

But I'm pregnant, tired from packing all day, and cold. 
(Did I mention I was pregnant?)

Next time I'll walk.

New Year's Resolutions

Is it too late for New Year's Resolutions? It may be the 6th of January but better late than never!

Jenny's new year's resolutions:
1) read more
2) subscribe to a newspaper and read at least three articles per day (check)
3) Blog daily (little behind on this one)
4) Learn French

Wish me luck!