Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Spray or Wipe?

It's not true what they say: bad luck does not come in three's. Yesterday was my third, yes third, attempt  at working out here in the UK and I am happy to announce that I was successful! 

As I was running on the treadmill though I did notice the man next to me incorrectly wipe down his machine when finished. He sprayed it with water and than wiped it instead of spraying the paper towel first and than wiping the machine with the paper towel. Didn't Sgt so and so strictly tell us four women at our orientation to NOT directly spray the machine b/c you run the risk of water getting into the electrical system? Obviously Mr. Military next to me either a) doesn't care or b) did not go to the orientation. I wonder if I should report this.

After my rigorous workout where I ventured into the WEIGHT ROOM (there a disclaimer under the sign, "real men only") I went to the vending machine to buy some gatorade (or luzoade-stuff which is what they sell here) and an older gentleman commented on the length of my workout. INAPPROPRIATE??? Definately. As I tried to ignore him and looked at him like, "what the hell are you talking about?" he clarified with, "I get bored on the machines so i look around and see what other people are doing." Oh ok, that makes it all better.

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