Sunday, 8 March 2009

Nap or Nourishment?

This morning I woke up at 7am. Normally, Monday - Friday, this wouldn't bother me as I have to get up with my daughter and husband anyway. However, on a Sunday, when I can sleep in, (more so because the little one is at a sleep over) it annoys the crap out of me that I wake up so early and can't fall back to sleep.
As I lay in bed, trying desperately to fall back to sleep, visions of bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches (one for me one for baby) danced in my head. 
That's when I was faced with one of the hardest decisions a pregnant woman has to face: sleep or eat?
Normally, if I weren't preggers, I wouldn't sacrifice sleep for food. The food will always be there. And the sleep feels sooo nice.
Now that I'm 6.5 months pregnant, the sleep would be nice if I could actually get comfortable and my ribs didn't hurt every time I lay on my left side and my arm, shoulder and hip wouldn't fall asleep every time I lay on my right side. Not to mention the HUGE effort it is to roll from side to side. 
After assessing the situation I decided food was more important. Baby was probably hungry after not eating for...9 hours anyway. Now all I need is some bacon, eggs and cheese and I'm all set!

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