Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Sick and Tired

Being pregnant can be challenging. To say the least. Sleepless nights, weird food cravings (or aversions), mood swings, extreme exhaustion (and that's on a good day). But being pregnant AND sick totally and completely SUCKS. 
It's been three weeks and two days and there is no sign of getting rid of this nightmare of a virus. I've been doing everything I'm supposed to: eating chicken soup, drinking hot drinks, and getting plenty of rest.
I've even been taking 4-5 gazillion milligrams of vitamin C per day. How much can one body endure? And one little baby? I can only imagine she is sick and tired of eating chicken soup and will probably have an aversion to it for the rest of her life. Emily says she can "hear" the baby when she listens. I'm going to have Emily ask her what she thinks of all of this chicken soup.
Honestly, how much chicken soup, tea and honey and lemon drinks can one person endure? (Coincidentally I HATE honey and lemon, a gruesome combination.) How many days do I have to sit around from my couch and watch the rest of the world while the sun FINALLY shines? 

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