Wednesday 10 September 2008


Are these difficult instructions to follow? Apparently, they are.  EVERYTIME I can go into the weight room (or what I like to call "the real men area", partly b/c there are NEVER any females in there and partly due to the fact that you can ALWAYS hear "men" grunting b/c their weights are SOOOO heavy). 
As I was saying. EVERYTIME I go into the weight room the weights are never put away. I guess real men don't give a shit about cleaning up after themselves? It's more than annoying. It's completely AGGRAVATING. I don't have time to take your four, 20 kilo barbell things off of the bar I'm about to push above my chest. I'm thinking about putting a note next to the note that clearly states, PUT WEIGHTS AWAY AFTER WORKOUT that says BECAUSE YO' MAMA DON'T WORK HERE. 
In addition, whenever I strut in (you have to display a certain amount of attitude, as a female, upon entering this room or you run the risk of being scared away  by confused, perverted "men") I'm not only stared at but at times I swear I can detect a little snicker by some of these "men" (we all know they are really just boys with big muscles). ARGH! BRING IT ON!

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